My name is Riana Rohmann. I am a
fitness competitor, personal trainer, and combat fitness specialist for the
Marine Corps (Visit my facebook page and "like" for awesomeness). I am ENGULFED in fitness. I love it. It is my life. I wake up,
work at the gym, workout out, go home and cook healthily for the fam, go back
out and train on my own, work out some more, and sleep. Well, little do many of
my peers know that I am also a self-proclaimed nerd. I have loved
fantasy/sci-fi stuff since I was about 10 years old when my mother made me read
Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora
Pierce. Instantaneous obsession! I also have a love affair with Dragons. I
specifically love the Enchantica style Dragons in sculpture form. My mother
also collects there. Go Figure. Video Games? RPG? Dungeons and Dragons? World
of Warcraft? Yep, I am there too!
I lost touch with my nerd side in
college unfortunately. Classes and training just did not allow a lot of time
for me to escape to my dreamspace. I met my now husband in college, and that
was a lot of fun, but he isn’t really a D&D sort of guy, although he
embraced the fact that I was! (win!) What other guy will let his woman totally
geek out on things like that? Plus, my husband isn’t even that interested in
fitness! What do we have in common? You may ask….We are both quirky, like the
Padres, love to talk to each other, and he is one of my best friends! But we are SO different too...Why would
I want to be with someone like me? I digress…Back to my total abandonment of
all things nerdy. I was so focused on getting a good job, grades, career, and
then my son was born and OH BOY Mothers Unite, because that is a whole new
world! Slowly my nerdisms were drifting farther and farther away, though still
buried deep inside.
Well, once I had my established
career (combat specialist for our US Marines), home, training routine down pat,
fitness competitions, family time, etc., all organized, I decided to actually
pick up a book. I was passengering (what? I wasn’t driving) to LA with Dave (my
husband, if I forgot to mention). And I was like, “What’s all this talk about
Hunger Games?” I have issues with things that are pop-culture that I know
nothing about. It’s the only reason I read Twilight (that’s a WHOLE other
blog). So I downloaded the books onto my Kindle, and pretty much read all of
them in less than a week. BAZINGA! I actually found time to read! By the way,
the Kindle App on my Droid is the best thing ever. I find that when I am a
passenger in cars, I can read a few pages. Stolen moments in between playing
with my son, I read. OH AND JACKPOT! Cardio! We fitness competitors tend to log
a lot of miles on the stairmaster, elliptical and incline walking on treadmill.
Hunger Games started my delve back
into YA (that’s Young Adult for all you laymen out there) novels. I love myself
some kick-ass female characters, and some steamy (but not pornographic)
romance. (BTW, I hate love triangles). Since reading Hunger Games late last year, I have read almost 50 books,
thanks to that Kindle App (I always have my phone on me, and its more convenient
than carrying a book, plus its cheaper, sorry, but I’m a tight-ass). However,
if there are book series that I LOVE, I will buy the hard copy, preferably
first edition, and hopefully something I can get signed by authors at the local
Dealers down at Mysterious Galaxy SD.
Now that I have found time to read, I
also do need to work on balancing out other nertastic things I love, from
certain TV shows (I REALLY need to re-watch Buffy, and get caught up on Dr.Who)
and other books (I have 143 books on my to read list – find me on Goodreads) video games ( I play
WoW, but also want to get into Star Wars TOR) and get started with graphic
novels. I feel like I am a decent nerd, but there is no WAY I can compete with
the nerdiest. That’s ok, I will get there soon! (Challenge Accepted, Sorry
this blog is for me to jot down my thoughts, experiences, book reviews, game
reviews, etc. Basically this is a place for me to post about random, nertastic
things and escape the world of fitness for 5 seconds. I also plan on posting
some Cosplay things I want to get into, my artwork, and some short stories. My
own little online diary if you will. That is open to the public…scary! I’ll
keep this short. I plan on blogging a few times a week, as my little mental
escapes. Thanks for reading.
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