Many of you might possibly be aware of a little game that
just released its first new game in 6 years, an insignificant small game called
Fallout 4! Well, this is the game that prompted my husband and myself to
finally purchase a PS4
, and also get the game on my PC as well. (I eventually returned
it (thanks Steam!) because I decided to get over my fear of playing games with
the PlayStation remote, and decided to woman up and create a PSN profile).
ANYWHO… this puts me in a bit of a conundrum… I don’t have any time! That thing
called TIME that we all struggle with, I mean, who has TIME to play video
games? #sadface #firstworldproblems
One of my biggest loves is obviously fitness, and my time to
go to the gym and work out has been very limited lately. With the release of Fallout 4 - PlayStation 4
, plus my 6-year old son who is determined to be a YouTube game, time
is fleeting! So I decided to implement FALLOUT FITNESS CHALLENGE! This is
similar to traditional drinking games, except, when certain poignant events
occur in the game, you (the Gamer) have to pause and take a little time to get
off your butt and move!
Here are your Challenges! (Note: these might change, or be amended,
or added to as we continue to play J
There is no limit to fitness, much like there is no limit to this Fallout Open
World!) These are in NO particular Order:
Kill small creatures – Bloatfly, RadRoaches,
Mole Rat, etc…
3 Push Ups per kill! Get going and Clear the wasteland!
Kill Larger creatures – Ghouls, Mirelurks,
Raiders, etc….
5 Squats per kill! (Or Tea Bags, after all, this is a gamer game ;)
Kill a DeathClaw
10 Burpees – As if you needed to get your heart rate up any higher!
Find a BobbleHead or LunchBox
25 Jumping Jacks – Celebration!
Complete a Quest
10 Dips – use a coffee table or a chair.
Build a House/Complete Sanctuary Steps
10 Lunges on each leg
Loading Screen – Walking in and out doors,
new rooms, loading saved games, etc….
Mountain climbers continuously until load ends OR 10 mountain climbers per load if using the Tally System
Use Stimpack/RadAway
5 Jumping Lunges on each leg and be thankful to be alive.
Use Crafting Station –
10 High Knee Jog in Place for each item crafted (can alternate with butt
kickers in place)
Level Up – The Big Dog!
10 squat jumps
10 Jack knife crunches (V Ups) or straight leg lifts
Incline Push Ups (put feet on chair or table)
Have Fun! And Play lots, because the more you play, the
better in shape you will get! Please feel free to comment or email me about
other games you would like me to create workouts for, or other ideas for
Fallout 4!
Level up